World War II
Janet Reno was the first Women attorney General. She was also the female attorney for the State of Florida. She was born in raised in Florida and moved away by Cornell University to study chemistry. Then she went to Harvard Law School and was 1 of only 16 females in a class of 500 people. She was given a hard time throughout her life because she was a women trying to become apart of the government. In 1995 Janet was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

Arthur Neville Chamberlain was also a key person in World War two even though he was not from Florida. Arthur was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during World War 2. Adolf Hitler came in hard to Poland to take over the land but Chamberlain was not going to allow this to happen. Chamberlain decided to go to War with Germany took Germany through the first eight months of World War 2. After his allies retreated back to Norway Chamberlain resigned as Prime Minister and leader of Britain’s War with Germany. Six months after he resigned, Chamberlain died of cancer.
